We have mentioned about the All-In Bag before, but there is a new version at the boutique right now. It’s called the Replica Celine Bags.
You might have already guessed, what’s the difference? Well, it’s like the Speedy and the Speedy Bandouliere Bag, one has a strap and the other doesn’t.However, there are also some cosmetic changes as well.
But let’s cover about this bag first. The All-In Bag is like the Neverfull Bag, but the Neverfull is made as an everyday bag, or shopping bag. The All-In Bag has a different purpose, it’s for travelling. You can easily put this bag on top of your trolley and then go to the airport.
The size is big, which is why the Hermes Replica Bags is also called a Big Bag. If I could choose between the Bandouliere or the normal bag, I would personally pick the Bandouliere, because there is a shoulder carry option thanks to the extra strap. If you don’t need the strap, you can always remove it.
The Replica Celine Bags All-In Bandouliere GM Bag is measured 21.5’ x 15.5’ x 9.5’ (L x H x W) inches and is priced at $2160 USD, $2500 CAD, €1460 EUR, £1370 GBP, ¥246400 JPY, 16800 CNY via Replica Celine Bags boutiques.